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MLA Donor Company


MLA Donor Company (MDC) is a subsidiary company of MLA and invests in research and development (R&D) to accelerate innovation across the value chain so the Australian red meat and livestock industry can remain globally competitive.

It attracts commercial investment from individual enterprises and other companies that share a mutual interest to coinvest in innovation that will benefit the Australian red meat industry.

The Australian Government matches voluntary partner contributions (up to 40% of project value) through MDC, where eligible projects deliver outcomes that address broader industry and/or government priorities and benefit the entire industry.

Core activities

MDC’s primary R&D initiatives include:

  • establishing the Livestock Productivity Partnership, which develops regional and system-specific feedbase options and producer management tools
  • supporting the Farmers2Founders program to develop tools and strategies and foster innovation
  • developing new red meat products for domestic and international markets
  • developing and maintaining DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) objective measurement systems
  • developing automated technology in processing plants to improve efficiency and worker safety.

Benefits to industry

MDC attracts new investment into red meat industry through R&D and commercialisation projects, with several resulting benefits:

  • improved on- and off-farm sustainability
  • reduced production costs along the entire value chain leading to a more competitive industry
  • higher standards of occupational health and safety
  • value-added products that improve access to new international markets and increased export earnings
  • enhanced collaboration throughout the supply chain
  • increased innovation capability.

The Livestock Productivity Partnership contributes to a national increase in productivity improvement in the livestock industry from 1% to 2.5% per year, primarily for producers in NSW and southern and central Queensland.