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Processing productivity


MLA invests in research and development (R&D) to improve processing productivity to increase efficiency and minimise production costs of red meat processors to help the industry lift its global competitiveness.

Processing productivity R&D develops and adopts supply chain technologies that deliver benefits to the industry by maximising meat yield, optimising carcase utilisation and improving workplace health and safety.

Several opportunities exist to expand on the current objective measurement R&D based on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), data exchange to feed information between processing facilities and producers, and improved technology options that create a more efficient work environment.

Core activities

R&D initiatives for improving processing productivity include:

  • developing and demonstrating innovative CT and other imaging technologies for cutting lines and automation (DEXA)
  • developing beef and lamb boning automation, with a focus on the development of beef (bone-in) and lamb (boneless) boning automation
  • conducting ongoing cost-benefit analyses on key technologies and programs
  • implementing in-plant traceability systems.

Benefits to industry

  • Maximising meat yield and increasing the value of the carcase increase the profitability of both processors and producers.
  • Automation technologies and advanced sensing processes improve the consistency and quality of products offered to customers, which helps improve customer satisfaction and the reputation of Australian red meat.