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Development of a single dose bovine immunocontraceptive vaccine

Project start date: 09 March 2012
Project end date: 14 December 2017
Publication date: 23 July 2019
Project status: Terminated
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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​Zoetis Australia Research & Manufacturing Pty Ltd had been investigating and developing an anti-GnRF (gonadotropin-releasing factor) vaccine in cattle for a number of years. Previous studies showed that heifers vaccinated twice with a four-week interval demonstrated a reduction in oestrus behaviour, suppressed levels of serum progesterone, and increased levels of anti-GnRF antobody. But such a vaccination regime does not fit with husbandry practices in northern Australia, or in beef feedlots.

This project was to test a single dose immunocontraceptive vaccine to satisfy registration requirements. An efficacy study was performed with four formulations of the anti-GnRF vaccine. Overdose/repeat dose and field efficacy and safety trials were also performed. Three of the formulations resulted in antibody responses, but there was no significant reduction in serum progesterone levels in any of the vaccinated groups.

The project was terminated prior to completion by mutual agreement between MLA and Zoetis in August 2017.

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Primary researcher: Zoetis Australia