About myMLA
myMLA is the gateway to accessing a range of MLA products and services and personalised, relevant content that’s unique to each user, based on their pre-determined preferences.
The main features of myMLA are:
- a quick access catalogue to MLA’s range of products and services - including eNVDs, NVDs, NLIS, MSA, LPA accreditation and subscriptions to Sheep Genetics.
- a single sign on facility to your NLIS, LPA, NVDs, myFeedback and MSA accounts
- a localised seven day weather forecast
- quick access to MLA's range of useful tools, calculators and publications
- customisable market information based on your livestock species, location and/or interests
- relevant events for you, based on your livestock species, location and/or interests
- industry news.
Need help?
Find out how to sign up to myMLA and link your integrity accounts.
If you’re unable to find the answers you’re looking for on this page, please complete our 'Need help?' form or call Customer Service on 1800 683 111 (Monday-Friday 8am-7pm AEST).
myMLA overview
myMLA offers personalised, relevant content in an online dashboard that is unique to each user, based on pre-determined preferences.
Once you enter your home and/or farm postcode and choose from your species of interest (grassfed cattle, grainfed cattle, sheep and goats), myMLA will provide you with:
- a quick access catalogue to MLA’s range of products and services - including eNVDs, NVDs, NLIS, MSA, my Feedback, LPA accreditation and subscriptions to Sheep Genetics.
- a personalised seven-day weather forecast based on your location - you can edit this selection at any time, and add additional locations
- customisable indicators from our Prices and Markets team, which can be tailored to the species you farm and your business location.
- information on events happening near you, or of interest to you
- a flow of industry news, market news and advice and information from MLA and other sources
- suggested links to relevant resources and tools on the MLA website
- the ability to link your integrity and industry programs with one user name and password (NLIS, LPA, MSA and myFeedback).
Find out how to sign up to myMLA and link your integrity accounts.
The myMLA dashboard holds information ‘cards’ that can be easily added and sorted based on what is more relevant and useful to you – in effect you can 'pick your preferences’.
You can add market information report cards (eight in total) by clicking on the ‘Add Indicator’ button in the top right hand corner of the page. Reports can be customised and added to your dashboard. Each report card links though to the Prices and Markets section of the MLA website by clicking on ‘view deeper analysis.’
Watch the video below to find out how to add indicators in myMLA:
Watch the video below to find out how to tailor market information cards within myMLA:
You can edit your weather location - or add or remove additional locations - by clicking 'Edit Locations' on the weather card. Click the left or right arrows next to the location name to swipe between your locations.
You can view and manage your Saved (bookmarked) Pages and Subscribed Pages by clicking the links on the cards, or under 'Profile'.
Each dashboard card can be expanded by clicking on the blue arrow at the bottom of the card. This reveals more information. For example, you can expand the weather card showing the 12 hour forecast to display the forecast for additional days. From there, you can click through to the dedicated weather forecast section on weather.mla.com.au for even more in-depth weather information.
You can make the dashboard suit your preferences by modifying the layout (to sort the cards). To modify the layout, click on ‘Change Layout’ in the top right hand corner. You can then drag and drop each card. Once you are happy with the layout click on ‘Save Layout’ in the top right hand corner.
Visit the profile tab within myMLA – here you can change your location, species, e-mail address and password.
MLA catalogue
The MLA catalogue contains MLA’s suite of products and services for stakeholders to access via myMLA. This offering is grouped into bundles based on relevant themes. The catalogue occupies the top half of the myMLA dashboard.
To take full advantage of the discounts available to red meat levy payers and MLA members, you can apply to become an MLA member.
Stakeholders often use several MLA/ISC products and services, rather than just one. MLA has created the new catalogue on myMLA as a single login point so it’s easier for stakeholders to access these products and services all in one place. The new catalogue also showcases current discounts and promotions that MLA is offering.
myMLA will be the entry point for stakeholders to access MLAs/ISCs paid products and services. These include NVD hard copy books; MSA/NVD declaration books; LPA accreditation and reaccreditation charges, attendance at BeefUp Forums, MeatUp Forums and Livestock Advisor Updates; and subscriptions to Sheep Genetics.
Products and services that don’t incur a charge (e.g. NLIS, market information, producer publications, on-farm tools etc) can be accessed either via myMLA or directly from the MLA/ISC websites.
Integrity and feedback and single sign-on
myMLA gives producers the ability to link all their integrity and industry programs with one user name and password (NLIS, LPA, MSA and LDL).
Watch this video to access all your accounts in one place:
From myMLA you can link your additional industry accounts to your myMLA credentials allowing you to access each system using the same login. You can do this via the ‘Linked Accounts’ menu item at the top of the page. Once you have clicked on ‘Link account’, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials for that system to link that account to myMLA. You can add more than one account for each system (e.g. NLIS or LPA) that you use.
Watch this video to find out how to link accounts in myMLA:
You can still access and use your full NLIS account exactly as you usually do to:
- record livestock movements
- search for PICs
- run livestock reports.
The only difference is that you can choose to link your NLIS account to myMLA. This means you only need to use one username and password to log in to myMLA, where you can access your NLIS account plus any of your other industry accounts (such as LPA or MSA) that you choose to link to myMLA.
You can still access and use your LPA account as you usually do, so you can:
- renew your LPA accreditation
- use the LPA Learning tool to improve your understanding of LPA program requirements
- access the fast and free eNVD system to complete all consignment paperwork digitally
- store your on-farm records online
- create and store online the property risk assessments and farm biosecurity plans for your business
- upload on-farm records and other documentation required when asked to participate in a remote LPA audit.
However, hard copy NVD books can only be purchased from the catalogue of MLA’s products and services available in myMLA. To pay your LPA accreditation or reaccreditation fee, you will also need to access this catalogue in myMLA to complete this payment. LPA hard copy resources, such as the hard copy LPA reaccreditation pack, can only be purchased from the catalogue in myMLA as well.
In addition to these changes to purchasing LPA products and services, you now have the choice to link your LPA account to myMLA. This means you only need to use one username and password to log in to myMLA, where you can access your NLIS account plus any of your other industry accounts (such as NLIS) that you choose to link to myMLA.
You can access and use your MSA account as you usually do in order to:
- access grading data, including MSA index values
- track MSA compliance trends over time
- use feedback to make production decisions to optimise eating quality performance
- generate feedback reports including carcase feedback, MSA non-compliance, company specification non-compliance, MSA graphs and data downloads
- access the MSA Index calculator to estimate the eating quality performance of your herd
- benchmark your performance against your region, state or national carcase performance
However, MSA Vendor Declaration books may now only be purchased from the catalogue of MLA’s products or services.
Dual NVD/MSA Declaration books can now be purchased as well as dedicated MSA Declaration books. As part of the dual NVD/MSA declaration books, MSA declarations are provided free of charge – producers only have to pay for the cost of the hard copy NVD book.
You may now also link your MSA account to myMLA. This means you can use one username and password to log in to myMLA, where you can access your myMSA account plus any other industry accounts (such as NLIS) that you choose to link to myMLA.
You can access and use your LDL account exactly as you did before in order to:
- access animal disease and defect feedback on beef and/or sheep carcases
- access information on non-compliant carcases and the associated cost of non-compliance at an individual animal, mob or herd/flock level
- access performance benchmarking within a herd/flock, and at regional, state or national levels
- access carcase performance outcomes that are linked to a library of solutions on addressing non-compliant issues on farm.
The only difference is that you may now also link your LDL account to myMLA. This means you can use one username and password to log in to myMLA, where you can access your LDL account plus any other accounts (such as NLIS) that you choose to link to myMLA.
Yes. myMLA will be the entry point for stakeholders to access MLAs/ISCs paid products and services. These include NVD hard copy books; MSA/NVD declaration books and LPA accreditation and reaccreditation charges.
The new system does not mean MLA will gain access to information about individual users and their businesses. NLIS, MSA, LDL and LPA will continue to hold producer information in the same way as they have done in the past – our single sign-on service just allows you easier access i.e the ability to use one username and password to access all of the different systems you need to run your business.
To link your existing accounts to myMLA, you will need to enter your log-in details. All sites have functions to assist in accessing forgotten log-in details.
If you don’t know your log in details please call 1800 863 111 or email info@integritysystems.com.au or visit that program’s website. In some cases you can retrieve a password by using your email address.
Yes – one or more account can be linked to myMLA. You will also be able to switch between linked accounts without logging out and logging back in via the ‘linked account’ button in myMLA.
All MLA products and services, including all integrity products and services delivered by ISC, must now be accessed or purchased from the catalogue now available in myMLA. This includes:
- National Vendor Declaration (NVD) books
- Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accreditation
- LPA hard copy resources.
Prices and markets
MLA has upgraded the Prices & Markets section of the MLA website to provide valuable and interactive market information and deeper analysis of that data. This can be accessed as an extension of the myMLA dashboard or via the Prices & Markets section of the MLA website.
The system is intuitive, user friendly and designed to help producers make informed business decisions based on the delivery and interpretation of a significant amount of market information, data and analysis.
Want to know how to use new prices and markets section of the MLA website – watch the video below to find out more:
There is no doubt producers are facing a vast and increasing range of data generated by new technology. MLA aims to facilitate the capture and use of relevant data, helping producers by providing information that is relevant to their business.
With that in mind, these services were created to respond to:
- producer and industry feedback
- a desire to create efficiencies in service provision
- the need to manage the capture and distribution of data from multiple and rapidly increasing sources.
MLA currently collects data and reports from over 60 sheep and cattle sales on a weekly basis. Each year the markets reported are reviewed and adjusted according to throughput, to ensure major regional selling centres in each state are captured. If you’re closest saleyard is not available, MLA suggests monitoring the next closest to you, or one of the state specific indicators.
Visit the dynamic reports section of prices and markets and choose the saleyards and type/category of stock, select price trends over time (ranging from 3 months -3 years) and view the specific data. If its prices you are after, then hover your cursor over the chart, however for the corresponding historical commentary click ‘excel’ to download a spreadsheet that contains all the required information. If you require a specific report from a date, for a stock squad investigation for example (which occurs every now and again), please email marketinfo@mla.com.au
The link to the statistics database can be found on the prices and markets homepage at the top on the right hand side, in a green box that says ‘search statistics database’ and is also the first option in the data library section of the webpage.
This tool allows you to interact more freely with the individual saleyard data and key indicators for up to a three year period. The market statistics database still houses key livestock indicators and export, retail and herd/flock information, and allows you to dive deeper into the data – beyond three years.
‘View as’ is an option on the right hand side above the graphs for viewing price data in ¢/kg lwt, ¢/kg cwt and $/head for cattle and ¢/kg cwt and $/head for sheep. You can also select the number of head “head no.” to see how many cattle are contributing to the prices you are monitoring or the number of cattle/sheep that fall into that category.
The selections you make will show in grey. If you wish to change one or unselect one (such as state), simply click on it again so it returns to white.
Go to the market reports and prices page and select the saleyard and category. Once you have found the specifications of interest, click on ‘export as excel’ in the bottom right hand corner.
- Over-the-hooks (OTH) referS to a producer selling directly to a processor on a ¢/kg cwt basis on delivery. It is also referred to as direct-to-works, direct-to-slaughter etc.
- Lwt refers to an animals live weight.
- Cwt refers to carcase weight and is not to be confused with hundredweight. Carcase weight is the weight of an animal’s carcase (meat and bone) when the offal, hide and hooves have been removed. In the Australian system, producers typically get paid a ¢/kg cwt price when selling to an abattoir. To calculate what an animal’s cwt is, you multiply the lwt by the dressing percentage. Dressing percentage refers to the percentage of the live weight that is cwt. The usual range in dressing percentage is 38-60% depending on the condition, sex, breed of animal. Please see attached dressing percentage prime facts from the NSW DPI.
Yes, the following publications can be accessed in the usual way:
LiveLink – a monthly summary of live export including number of head, prices, destination and state export from – historical data is available in MI database.
Cattle Projections – forecasts on market influences, herd numbers, exports and production.
Sheep Projections – forecasts on market influences, flock numbers, exports and production.
Lotfeeding brief – snapshot of the lotfeeding industry, including number on feed and influences on the lot feeding industry – historical data is available in the Market Statistics Database.
Co-product reports – offal and co-product exports, prices and demand factors – historical data is available in the Market Statistics Database.
Red meat market snapshots – provides statistics and insights on Australian red meat export destinations, including population, consumer behaviour, exports, in market trends, competitors and cooking styles.
Meat and Livestock Weekly Stats – statistical summary which encompasses the domestic market, including saleyard prices, over-the-hook prices, feeder and live export quotes as well as co-products, slaughter and throughput information across the cattle and sheep markets.
Industry Fast Facts – includes herd facts and figures, employment, production, value, domestic value and consumption, export value and volume and Australia’s place in the world for sheep, goats and beef.
History of sheep and cattle prices – gives a history of the Australian sheep and cattle industry and reports of the value of prices in real terms.
Livestock distribution maps – shows the distribution of the cattle herd and sheep flock across the Natural Resource Management regions and includes special maps like the cattle population that is effected by blue tongue virus.
Other useful acronyms:
Cattle | Sheep & Lamb |
FD: Feeder | RS: Restocker |
RS: Restocker | MR: Merino |
GF: Certified Grainfed | RM: Restocker Merino |
DA: Dairy | 1X: 1st Cross |
PC: Pastoral Cattle | FD: Feeder |
DP: Dorper |
For more information please email marketinfo@mla.com.au or call 1800 023100.
Need help?
If you’re unable to find the answers you’re looking for on this page, please complete our 'Need help?' form or call Customer Service on 1800 683 111 (Monday-Friday 8am-7pm AEST).