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Breeding EDGE | Mackay QLD: 9-10 December (Day 3 TBC)

09 Dec 2023 | 08:00 AM
2 days
$1,950 + GST / 1st person from one business; $1,650 + GST / 2nd and 3rd person from same business (producers only); Corporate rate + GST/ 5 or more participants from the one business.
Presenters: Felicity Hamlyn-Hill (Beef Enterprise Advisory Services Pty Ltd), Mick Sullivan & Roxanne Morgan (Department of Agriculture & Fisheries) and BULLCHECK™ Accredited Vet Dr Ben Brightman, Valley Vet Surgery.
Registration details
Who to contact for registration:
Felicity Hamlyn-Hill, M: 0428 113 732 or E:
Mackay, QLD
Register for event