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05/V09 Wild Dog Bait Behaviour Characteristics

Project start date: 01 September 2005
Project end date: 04 September 2006
Publication date: 01 October 2006
Project status: Completed


Project Overall Aim:
To run a pilot wild dog behaviour project with remote sensing equipment. Through monitoring wild dogs, this project seeks to improve on current methods employed to control this pest animal and aims to reduce their impact. The degree of success the project (achieves the overall aim) will be measured against degree it achieves the desired and measurable outcomes.
Desired Outcomes:
- Capture wild dog vision using remote sensing equipment.
- Gain knowledge of wild dog behaviour.
- Improve on current baiting and control techniques.
- Inform landholders of the project’s achievements and measure group member feedback.

More information

Project manager: Michael Goldberg
Primary researcher: Burrowye, Walwa, Granya Wild Dog Group