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Industry Input to Validation of the Heat Load Risk Assessment Package

Project start date: 26 July 2005
Project end date: 30 June 2006
Publication date: 30 June 2006
Project status: Completed


This project was utilised to reimburse the 13 feedlots involved in the FLOT.330. Validation of the heat load risk analysis program project, for the staff time allocated to animal observations and data collection during the 2005-06 summer. Each feedlot involved in the trial monitored four pens of cattle, at three time points each day, for the period 24 January 2006 to 11 March 2006.
The staff undertaking the assessments were asked to make assessments of the number of cattle within each pen that were at each panting score. Measuring panting scores is one of the most reliable and transferable methods for measuring heat load in cattle.Other assessments they were asked to make at each observation included the position of the cattle within the pen (at feedbunk, water trough, etc.), the dominant genotype and sex within the pen, the condition of the pen surface, the feeding time and bunk scores and the time of observation.
This data was used to gain a better understanding of the heat load levels within the observation pens. The collected observation data was used, in conjunction with data from the onsite weather station, to validate the Heat Load Risk Assessment Package, being developed for industry. Further details are contained in the FLOT.330 Final Report.