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Weed case studies and best management practice development

Project start date: 28 June 2006
Project end date: 15 October 2006
Publication date: 15 October 2006
Project status: Completed


Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) and Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) have major investments in research aimed at developing new knowledge and improved management strategies for the control and management of weeds of importance which have the potential to significantly constrain productivity, profitability and resilience of grazing systems. RD&E effort has been focused on the following priority weeds:Serrated tussock; African Love grass; Chilean Needle Grass; Paterson's Curse; Onopordum thistle and Silverleaf nightshade. From previous analysis there are three critical factors that lead to effective weed management. These are the three 'Ds' of Diligence, Diversity and Deliberation.
The purpose of this project was to develop content for publications to assist producers in the management of these weeds in the context of the three 'Ds'. The content was in the format of case studies of producers who successfully manage weeds within a whole farm context, farm financial analysis which reflects farm business impacts of successful weed management rather than just costs of weed control and descriptions of the current best weed management practices inclusive of all relevant strategies and tactics available to producers to minimize negative impacts of weeds on farm businesses. The 3D weed management series of publications id available on this MLA website.