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Bestwool / BestLamb

Project start date: 11 April 2007
Project end date: 30 April 2007
Publication date: 30 April 2007
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Lamb


BESTWOOL/BESTLAMB (BWBL) was a long standing sheep industry extension project, which has been running for ten years. The aim of BWBL was to improve the productivity and profitability of producers as well as fostering positive environmental and social outcomes. BWBL has been funded for the past three years by Victorian Department of Primary Industries, Australian Wool Innovation and Meat & Livestock Australia. An active Advisory Committee made up of producers and the funding organisations oversee the strategic direction of the program providing insight into sheep producer issues and ensuring the relevance of the program. BWBL delivers information to producers through self-directed discussion groups, using a paid coordinator from either DPI or private consultants.  
​This is project funded two producers to a meeting in Melbourne, to discuss possible future directions for BestWool BestLamb without ongoing support from MLA.