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Customising the Grazing Land Management Education Workshop to the Southe rn Gulf, Desert Uplands and Channel Country regions in Queensland

Project start date: 01 November 2005
Project end date: 04 May 2007
Publication date: 01 March 2007
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: Queensland
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The Grazing Land Management (GLM) education package aimed to contribute to increased awareness, understanding and uptake of grazing management strategies and practices that are both profitable and sustain the natural resource base of the grazing enterprises.  The initial development of the package highlighted the need for regionally specific information on which graziers based their decisions.  Accordingly, this project supported the customisation of the GLM package in the Southern Gulf, Desert Uplands and Channel Country regions. 
Customisation of the regionally specific GLM packages involved the following steps: 
1. Collation of locally relevant publications, information, photos and data sets. 
2. Development of a land type framework derived from producer surveys, reference material and discussions with agency staff. 
3. Develop a local case study property which is used to demonstrate the financial and natural resource management implications of changed grazing management practices on land condition. 
4. Review of materials at a technical review and pilot workshop which includes local producers who provided critical feedback to the regional developers. 
5. Publication which includes formatting by desktop publishers and editing to ensure consistency of style and appropriate language in accordance with the MLA EDGEnetwork style guide. 
All materials were tested in a technical review pilot within the region, with the outcomes used to adjust the materials prior to finalisation.  All materials were finalised, formatted by desktop publishers and edited for style and consistency in accordance with the publishing standards of MLA EDGEnetwork. As the workshop is delivered in these regions, locally relevant case studies, photo standards and pasture growth measurements will be accumulated and integrated into the workshop materials.

More information

Project manager: Mick Quirk
Primary researcher: Department of Primary Industries