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Process mapping for lamb ears

Project start date: 14 June 2007
Project end date: 30 September 2007
Publication date: 01 July 2007
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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Pet food provides the highest returns for the non-edible mainstream uses of meat industry co-products. MLA conducted several projects aimed at maintaining and improving the value of co-products used in pet food. Two key findings can be drawn from the various studies:  There is very little opportunity for value adding to pet food offal if abattoirs supply existing companies, and the alternative for value adding is for meat companies is to produce and market finished pet foods.
MLA identified a technology that enables to produce dried lamb ears, but could also produce dried livers and trotters for the pet treat market and provide value-added revenue to the lamb industry.
In project A.BIT.0006, the process for the manufacture of dried lamb ears on-site was mapped out.
Project P.PSH.0298 aimed at designing an automated lambs ears collection, bleaching, drying and packaging process on site at CRF and establish the cost benefit of engaging in a lambs ears venture for the pet treat market. Samples of product were to be generated as part of the production trials and evaluated by prospective customers.
Meat & Livestock Australia and CRF decisided to terminate project funding based on a mutual decision not to install the necessary machinery at that time.

More information

Project manager: Antoine Valterio
Primary researcher: R.B & R.A. Brooks Pty Limited