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PIRD Coordination

Project start date: 15 October 2007
Project end date: 01 October 2008
Publication date: 01 October 2008
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


The Producer Initiated Research and Development Program (PIRD), was established by the Meat Research Corporation (MRC) in 1992. The producer participatory program enabled producer groups to initiate producer lead research and demonstration initiatives that impacted profitability and sustainability. The PIRD program enabled producer trialling in a localised context and aimed to reduce the time lag to practice change. These projects funded the annual coordination and support function for all PIRDS for the years 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09 & 2009/10. The annual role of the PIRD coordinator was to assist with management and administration of all current PIRD projects to assist both MLA and the groups achieve their project aims, coordinate and manage PIRD applications received, coordinate and facilitate a meeting of the evaluation committee to assess the annual applications, lead promotion of PIRDS and act as the main communication point.