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Kimberley GLM Customising the EDGEnetwork Grazing Land Management Education Workshop to the Kimberley region of Western Australia

Project start date: 10 June 2006
Project end date: 01 July 2008
Publication date: 01 December 2009
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: Western Australia
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MLA supported the initial development of the GLM package, which targeted 4 regions in northern Australia, including the Victoria River Downs. Subsequently MLA has collaboratively funded the customisation of packages for additional regions throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory.  Feedback from GLM participants has emphasised the value of local information and locally-calibrated decision tools, confirming the market research which preceded GLM development. 
This project was conducted in a number of phases. Including; 
1. Determining land systems, practice property layout, climate information and pasture species for inclusion,
2. Modifying existing packages and modules within these packages with Kimberley data, reference material and examples 
3. analysing climate and seasonal impacts on pasture growth, 
4. analysing impacts of different land condition and seasons on animal production and herd economics 
5. Developing a set of overheads, maps, and other workshop materials to be used when delivering the workshop 
6. Developing a Facilitators Guide for running the workshop. 
Following development of the material, the workshop was tested as a Pilot workshop using an experienced Qld presenter with local producers and DAFWA technical staff. The workshop was assessed for its local relevance, language, technical accuracy and delivery flow.  Material was then edited to address comments from this pilot workshop before being undergoing final desk-topping and editing prior to printing. Following final editing, all material, including the workshop manual including module information, facilitators manual, overheads, photos, worksheets and maps were presented to MLA.

More information

Project manager: Mick Quirk
Primary researcher: Department of Primary Ind Regional