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2007/N01 - Management of Mistletoe in Central West (NSW) Grazing Country

Project start date: 21 May 2007
Project end date: 14 July 2010
Publication date: 01 July 2010
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle
Relevant regions: Eastern Australia
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Our overall aim was to stop the loss of important shade, shelter and fodder trees, with resulting benefits for animal production, through development of cost effective strategies to manage mistletoe in our pastoral environment.  Specifically we aimed: 
(i)  To determine the level of strategic pruning by physical or chemical means, which is necessary to improve the health of two tree species (Red Gum and Kurrajong) and thus indirectly, shade shelter and fodder reserves for livestock and native habitat; 
 (ii)  To determine cost/benefit ratios for physical and chemical pruning (thinning) of mistletoe on Red Gum and whether significant benefits and tree health can be achieved for less that $25 per tree; and 
(iii)  To undertake broader scale mistletoe management on at least two thirds of HCLG member properties over the ensuing two year period.

More information

Project manager: Jane Weatherley
Primary researcher: Hovell's Creek Landcare Group Inc