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HGP producer publication

Project start date: 31 January 2010
Project end date: 26 October 2010
Publication date: 26 October 2010
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


This project produced the content for a producer publication documenting the role and use of hormonal growth promotants (HGPs) in the Australian beef industry. The publication drew mainly on three MLA reports titled Hormonal Growth Promotant (HGP) Use in the Australian beef industry, Economic evaluation of hormonal growth promotants (HGPs)and HGP literature review. It will also utilised other relevant material where appropriate including information on best practice techniques for administration of the implants and LPA requirements for responsible use by producers. The publication was initiated following requests from the Regional Beef Research Committees for information on best practice use of HGPs. The publications was published as Hormone growth promotants and beef production: A best practice guide.