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Review of LiveCorp’s Key Performance Indicators

Project start date: 01 December 2008
Project end date: 10 June 2009
Publication date: 01 November 2011
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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LiveCorp is the marketing and research body for the livestock export industry. It works jointly with MLA through the Joint Live Export Program (LEP) to develop and sustain a competitive livestock export industry. It also works independently of the LEP to provide services and programs to exporter members and other industry stakeholders to enhance the sustainability and competitive positioning of Australia's livestock export industry. Its primary role is therefore a provider of collective services to the industry.
During 2008-09 LiveCorp and MLA are evaluating the impact of the livestock export programs. This evaluation involves a review of LiveCorp's Key Performance indicators (KPIs) and the subsequent development of a KPI monitoring and evaluation framework for which a baseline will be taken (and historical baselines determined as needed). It is intended that an evaluation brochure for the MLA series will also be produced. 
The CIE and QualData have undertaken this review for LiveCorp. The main steps involved have been: consulting with key LiveCorp and MLA program managers, and industry and government stakeholders, to understand the context of the issues facing the industry (TheCIE); 
delineating the appropriate KPIs for LiveCorp, given its 2008-11 Strategic Plan and the above consultations (TheCIE); and 
establishing the approach for managing and reporting against the KPIs (TheCIE and QualData), with deliverables clearly defined. 

Subsequent to the review LiveCorp will collect and analyse the relevant data and report within the framework proposed in steps 2 and 3. Separately LiveCorp/MLA plans to commission an independent evaluation of the investment in LiveCorp/LEP. 
LiveCorp's Strategic Plan 
LiveCorp's four year Strategic Plan (2008) articulates four strategic focus themes: livestock maintenance and welfare; 
Market compliance and development; 
industry capability; and 
stakeholder communication and consultation. 

The plan contains a performance framework and associated KPIs against each of these four strategic themes. The primary purpose of this report by TheCIE is to review the KPIs and the framework that links it to back up to the four strategic focus themes. This review does not attempt to evaluate or reconsider these four strategic themes nor recommend adjustments to the underlying programs. The context for LiveCorp's strategic direction, focus, priorities and resource investments include the Statutory Funding Agreement (SFA) between LiveCorp and the Australian Government which is consistent with the Red Meat Industry Memorandum of Understanding (LiveCorp is a signatory to the Red-Meat industry MoU and Strategic Plan); 
the Australian Red-Meat Industry Strategic Plan, More from Less (2004-09 and revisited in 2006 and 2007), which identifies whole-of-industry strategic imperatives; and 
the Australian Livestock Export industry's five year (2007-11) Strategic Plan. 

Conduct of the review 
The review was conducted in line with the approach outlined above, involving: consultation with key LiveCorp and MLA program managers, and industry and government stakeholders, to understand the context of the issues facing the industry; 
determination of what the appropriate KPIs are for LiveCorp, given its 2008-11 Strategic Plan and the consultations; and 
establishment of an approach formanaging andreporting against the revised KPIs. ​

More information

Project manager: Lewis Atkinson
Primary researcher: Centre for International Cost analysis