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Benefit Cost Analysis of EverGraze

Project start date: 30 January 2012
Project end date: 27 March 2012
Publication date: 01 September 2012
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep
Relevant regions: National
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At the beginning of the 2000s, MLA, the CRC for Plant Based Management for Dryland Salinity and AWI with Land and Water Australia (LWA) were all pursuing joint productivity and environmental benefits through various land and water management R, D & E programs. Also, the $1.4 billion National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality had commenced in 2000/01. This plan, delivered through 56 regional natural resource management bodies, saw the Australian Government and State/Territory Governments working together to repair and conserve the natural environment and ensure the sustainable use of the nation's natural resources. Use of perennial pastures in the higher rainfall recharge areas was seen as a focus for change and had the potential to deliver both economic and environmental benefits in the form of improved animal productivity, enhanced water quality in waterways, and reduced water accessions to groundwater.

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Project manager: Cameron Allan
Primary researcher: Australian Wool Innovation