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Editing and desktopping - Temperate and tropical dairy manuals

Project start date: 15 March 2010
Project end date: 16 January 2012
Publication date: 16 January 2012
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


lncreasing numbers of Australian dairy animals are being exported to countries seeking to improve their production of milk and dairy products.  Some cattle are going to countries in the tropics and subtropics, other going to countries with more temperate climates.  These Australian dairy cattle are of high genetic potential; they need good management and good feeding to produce high yields of milk in their new homes and environments.  The success of such programs depends largely on the awareness and ability of new owners of these stock to meet these standards of feeding and general herd management, and this book is designed to provide the information needed for good decisions to be made. Key factors in management include nutrition, cow comfort and reproductive management. A guide to dairy herd management has been developed for distribution to dairy farmers and organisations in the countries that source Australian dairy heifers. It highlights the important dairy herd management practices required to reduce undue stress on unadapted, high genetic merit dairy heifers once they arrive at their new destination.