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Feedlot Technology Adoption Groups: Scoping study

Project start date: 20 June 2012
Project end date: 31 August 2012
Publication date: 01 September 2012
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) was interested in determining whether there was interest from the feedlot sector in establishing technology adoption groups. Young producer groups have been successful in the dairy and grain industries. MLA was keen to understand how and why these groups were successful and whether their models were applicable to the feedlot sector. If applicable, MLA was keen to establish the interest in setting up Feedlot Technology Adoption Groups in the Darling Downs and Riverina regions.
The key finding was that, if a successful group is to be established, it is critical that the concept/need is driven by the farmers, not by the industry or government. Groups should be built from the bottom up, not the top down, and supported by a paid facilitator. Twelve feedlot operators were surveyed and seven were interested in the concept of a Feedlot Producer Group. The main barriers to the development and longevity of groups were seen as regional feedlot density, competitive factors around information sharing, and defining group eligibility criteria.

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Project manager: Des Rinehart
Primary researcher: Premise Toowoomba Pty Ltd