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Livestock genetics business plan 2012 - 2017

Project start date: 07 May 2012
Project end date: 28 November 2012
Publication date: 28 November 2012
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This plan has been developed to identify where MLA should invest in genetics and genomics research, development and extension (RD&E) given a changing operating environment.  This plan is embedded within the 3.1 Business Plan and links directly to several of MLA's 15x15 key focus areas including reproduction efficiency, animal welfare improvement, improvement in production efficiency coupled with reduced greenhouse gas emissions, compliance to market specifications and maintaining and improving eating quality.
Key outcomes targeted include:Significant improvement in polledness, fertility and eating quality in northern cattleImproved models for generating and delivering genetic information in northern breedsImprovement in lean meat yield without decline in eating quality in sheepBreeding values for methane production in sheep and cattleIncreases in rate of genetic progress in all sectors, with a focus on traits related to reproduction
MLA's investment in recent years has been a small proportion of overall national RD&E investment (approximately 10%). However, the total national investment is declining, through wind-up of CRCs and declining co-investment. This plan identifies where MLA's investment in genetics and genomics should be prioritised given it will become a larger proportion of the investment.

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Project manager: Robert Banks
Primary researcher: ISJ Investments Pty Ltd