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Veterinary disease investigation course

Project start date: 11 October 2010
Project end date: 02 March 2012
Publication date: 02 March 2012
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


​As part of the 'W.LIV.0252 Developing cattle data collection systems Project', a Veterinary Disease Investigation Handbook has been developed that incorporates information on common conditions affecting (beef) cattle during the export process. This Handbook also outlines a standardised approach to monitoring health and investigating sickness and death in export animals including collection of data describing animal health status during voyages, description and investigation of sick animals, and post mortem procedures and sample collection from dead animals to determine cause of death.
A training needs analysis (Training needs of accredited veterinarians and stockpersons participating in disease investigations on cattle ships) has also been completed as part of the W.LIV.0252 Project. The analysis reviewed the current levels of veterinary training and identified training needs required to ensure optimal implementation of the systems and approaches described in the Veterinary Disease Investigation Handbook. Results of the training needs analysis identified a need for training to assist veterinarians and stockpersons in order to follow the standardised methods for health monitoring and disease investigation as outlined in the Veterinary Disease Investigation Handbook. Training approaches identified in this analysis included face-to-face workshops, printed material, and production of a training DVD, secondment training, and web-based resources.  This project developed a training program intended to deliver on the identified requirements in the training needs analysis report.  It is currently (Sept 2014) being reviewed and integrated into the LiveCorp stockman's training course.