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Sponsorship : Sustainable Food Forum

Project start date: 01 December 2012
Project end date: 17 January 2013
Publication date: 17 January 2013
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


MLA sponsored the first two sustainable food summits, which  attracted 200+ delegates working across the food system, government, public health and NGO's with an interest in Australia's future food system. The third summit helped to continue the discussion and look at how Australia will transition to a sustainable food system and what processesses, actors are needed to do so.  
It was important that MLA facilitiated an oportunity for the beef and lamb industries to be in this discussiont to ensure that a framework for a future food system includes the role that Australian beef and lamb plays in feeding a growing population sustainably.  A written report of the post event analysis was provided, however this is not publicly available.