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CMA: Genetic Consortium Development Costs

Project start date: 01 January 2015
Project end date: 30 June 2015
Publication date: 30 June 2015
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


Miracle Dog Pty Ltd was contracted to facilitate the development of a National Livestock Genetics Consortium (NLGC / Consortium), with support from MLA staff and other parties.
Based on industry feedback, a Scoping Workshop was held in May 2015 which agreed on the major elements of a vision needed to at least double the current rate of genetic gain across the beef industry. The Workshop also identified two distinct but related activities that need to occur in parallel in order to achieve this vision;The development of a transparent and nationally-coordinated RD&A investment plan agreed to by the major stakeholders within the industry; andThe resolution of the operational and contractual issues around BREEDPLAN licensing and service provision which are impeding further uptake and efficient use of the system and resulting in suboptimal benefits to industry.
Development of the National Livestock Genetics Consortium is continuing under L.BFG.0001, B.GEN.0013, B.GEN.0014, L.GEN.1701 and L.GEN.1801.