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eNVD Nolan Meats software development

Project start date: 30 September 2015
Project end date: 28 April 2016
Publication date: 20 April 2016
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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Australia's enviable reputation as a producer of safe, high quality red meat is supported by a system that proves the integrity of our product. Central to this system is the National Vendor Declaration which communicates the food safety status of every animal every time it moves from one property to another, to processors, or to saleyards.

Paper-based NVDs have been in use since the 1990s. Technological advances have now allowed for the development of a fully electronic NVD (eNVD) system as an alternative to the paper-based NVD.

The benefits of the eNVD include the removal of costs associated with the reprocessing of paper-based NVDs through the supply chain, and increased accuracy and accessibility of NVD information. Producers will find completing the eNVD easier and faster, saving time and reducing the potential for errors when livestock are being moved.

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), in partnership with a number of software companies, has been conducting field trials to assess the effectiveness of the eNVD system in practice, identify necessary enhancements and determine a roll-out strategy based on lessons learned from the trials.

The trials have so far demonstrated successful transfer of information via the central NLIS platform and have encouraged software integrators to find solutions for managing the entry of eNVDs with limited or no internet connectivity. The trials have also helped to identify some key areas for enhancement, correction and further trials prior to a staged, national roll-out. System refinements are under way to address these enhancements and, pending final SAFEMEAT approval, a progressive implementation of eNVDs for commercial use is planned from July 2016.

More information

Project manager: Damon Holmes
Primary researcher: Nolan Meats Pty Limited