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Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) Communications

Project start date: 08 July 2016
Project end date: 30 June 2017
Publication date: 30 June 2017
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


The projects have included general communications of the LPA program to producers and stakeholders, specifically including:  
1. Development of a strategic plan for LPA QA, which included the identification of target audiences/stakeholders and their requirements, identification of program strengths and weaknesses, analysis of market forces, development of KPIs and objectives. Development of an operational plan (incorporating a communications plan) and implementation plan.
2. Development an LPA communications plan and material aimed at educating LPA participants on their obligations as well as ensuring on-farm practice meets LPA requirements and reflects the food safety claims on the NVD. Support the roll-out of the periodic recommitment program. Support the introduction of the non-LPA status on the NLIS database
3. Development of communications material (website, record keeping book, video) to provide producers and other industry stakeholders with accessible and user-friendly content regarding the requirements of LPA, educate LPA participants on their LPA obligations and develop tools for producers to ensure on-farm practice meets LPA requirements and reflects the food safety claims on the NVD
4. Evaluation of the communications program and strategies for future communication requirements.