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NLIS database changes for Victoria sheep and goat EID

Project start date: 11 December 2017
Project end date: 30 March 2018
Publication date: 30 March 2018
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb


The objective of this project was to make the necessary changes to the NationalLivestockIdentificationSystem (NLIS) database to accommodate mandatory sheep and goat Electronic identification (EID) reporting in Victoria bysaleyards, abattoirs, knackeries, and properties. This was a Phase 1 initiative based on the mandatory tagging and mandatory uploads by abattoirs by 1 January 2018 requirements. All requested enhancements were delivered successfully by this project.

Additional projectswere funded tosupport the rollout of the Sheep and Goat EID program in Victoria by implementing functionality within the NLIS technology platform (including the NLIS website and database), and supported ISC to:

  1. Develop reports for theCowCatcher 3 program.
  2. Modify non-NLIS device business rules for the VIC EID program.
  3. Modifysaleyard to abattoir business rules for the VIC EID program.