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Snacking Project – Organic Beef Jerky

Project start date: 26 March 2018
Project end date: 26 June 2019
Publication date: 24 April 2020
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This project comprising of development of organic beef jerky forms part of an overarching Co-Innovation Program between MLA and Arcadian Organic & Natural Meat Co.

Arcadian Organic and Natural Meat Compnay identified organic meat snacks as a high value growth opportunity. This project undertook to develop and test proof of concept products for specific high growth target markets, explore and validate the associated business model options in procuring, manufacturing and selling new organic snacking products.

A human centred design led innovation methodology informed the design of the project. The team comprised of a cross-funtional team within Arcandian Organic & natural Meat Co, ensuing all perspectives were assessed; R&D, operations, marketing and sales. Critical to the process was the development of the products, continuously testing it with customers, as part of their real-world snacking behaviour.

Another important process was determining and identifying which segment of customers represent the best opportunity, by addressing the greatest number of pain points and unrealised gains.

The project undertook to identify the needs, attractive segments, size of the packaging and barriers visible in entering the Jerky Snacking Products. While also detailing the business case for Orgnaic Beef Jerky within the Snacking Product sector. Finally, the project also supported the research aspects assocated with exploring and designing the optimum business model and commericialisation strategy in bringing the product to market.

It was identified that although the jerky market was competitive specifically with non – organic and highly manufactured product offerings - there was definetly a high growth opportunity in the organic segment of this catergory. The healthier and better for you snack alternatives that consumers are seeking are tasty snacks made from real ingredients that better fit this ideal. The idea of organic beef jerky is highly appealing, offering a grab-and-go protein snacking option for all.

More information

Project manager: Michael Lee
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Arcadian Organic & Natural Meat Co