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B.FLT.7030 - CMA: MLA Feedlot Program FY22

Project start date: 01 July 2021
Project end date: 30 June 2022
Publication date: 13 February 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National


This Company Managed Agreement (CMA) is to fund non-contract invoices for the MLA Feedlot Program during FY22. This includes printing and formatting of MLA Feedlot publications; development of media for feedlot extension; meeting expenses for consultation with lot feeders/consulting nutritionists/veterinarians/feedlot welfare benchmarking steering committee; and travel expenses for feedlot project management.

Investment in these areas is integral for the adoption of feedlot program R&D outcomes by the industry.

Key outcomes for FY22 include:

- printing and distribution of communications delivery pack face-to-face by the ALFA/MLA Technical Services officer to 100 NFAS accredited feedlots. This included Antimicrobial Stewardship guidelines and factsheets, automated bunk management and feed delivery factsheets, euthanasia guidelines and posters.
- consulting veterinarian and nutritionist meetings with MLA/ALFA in October and April, where results of automated bunk management, methane additive research, antimicrobial stewardship were presented
- initiation of an industry steering committee to ensure the Feedlot animal welfare assessment framework developed during B.FLT.4007 is practical, science and evidence based
- four presentations to ALFA R&D committee to determine R&D priorities and four presentations to ALFA Council on R&D outcomes
- finalisation of a five year strategic plan by ALFA and MLA for Feedlot R&D.


1. Cover costs of editing, printing and distribution of communication materials used to deliver the outcomes of feedlot related research activities to industry participants. Feedlot materials are distributed at conferences such as ALFA BeefEx, ALFA Feedlots workshops, and face-to-face to lot feeders by the ALFA/MLA Technical Services Officer.
2. Consult with industry via six monthly consulting veterinarians and nutritionists meeting, along with four presentations per year to the ALFA R&D Committee and ALFA Council on feedlot R&D priorities and outcomes.
3. Cover costs of the MLA Feedlot animal welfare benchmarking steering committee to ensure the developed program (B.FLT.4007) encompasses the animal welfare requirements addresses key customer concerns, industry requirements and is science and evidence based.
4. Cover travel costs of MLA feedlot program managers for project management and development purposes of grainfed levy funded projects.