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Pasture Dieback Coordinator

Did you know MLA supports a program to address pasture dieback as it is a direct economic and operational threat to the beef industry throughout Queensland and Northern NSW?

Project start date: 30 June 2019
Project end date: 29 June 2021
Publication date: 26 August 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: Queensland
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The widespread emergence of pasture dieback in 2017 triggered an emergency response from MLA to identify the cause and possible treatments. In May 2019, the Department of Agriculture (DoA) contracted with MLA to undertake further R&D into pasture dieback. MLA utilised two consultants to support the emergency response activities. This project will utilise that expertise to contract a coordinator for development, implementation and reporting of the MLA/Department of Agriculture Pasture Dieback program contract. The consultant’s tasks will differ from the emergency response, now towards program coordination (the broader research effort), external relationships and reporting. Consultant activities included developing a work plan, reporting, implementing the dieback projects, coordinating external communications, developing milestone reports to the Federal government on future areas of work relevant to dieback, managing relationships with industry stakeholders and other activities as directed.


Advance the pasture dieback themes as identified in B.PAS.0002.

Key findings

Co-ordination of the disparate set of stakeholders, researchers, interested parties and competing ideas was required to focus messaging and project priorities regarding pasture dieback.

Benefits to industry

The industry will benefit from a single coordinator who brings existing relationships to ensure consistency within the dieback program. The consultant will coordinate pasture dieback projects and their communications towards a broader solution/approach to manage dieback (technical, comms and relationships) using all resources available, not simply manage an R&D project with the Department of Agriculture.

Future research

Clear and concise communications of framework toward addressing the direct, indirect, and intangible impacts of pasture dieback as it pertains to the beef industry in Queensland and Northern NSW.


For more information

Contact Project Manager: Cameron Allan
