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W.IAW.2202 - Animal Welfare Officer Certification 2022

Project start date: 12 July 2021
Project end date: 29 June 2022
Publication date: 09 February 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: International


This training was conducted as a form of preparation and refresh of AWO knowledge regarding animal welfare implementation. The AWO competency certification will recognise the animal welfare training delivered by the LEP. The participants received complete materials for implementing animal welfare, from loading animals to the slaughtering process. Not only animal welfare but participants also received implementing PPE and effective communication during the process. Total Participants: 162, consisting of exporters, importers, depots, slaughterhouse officers, local Dinas officers, and students. 116 participants (71.60%) who received training certificates have attended the training for six consecutive weeks. Two batches of AWO Certification will be held in Lampung and West Java with 40 participants @ 20 people per batch. The certification is valid for four years and is recognised in ASEAN-Pasific. The evaluation scheme consists of Indonesia Livestock Management and Australian Animal Welfare Standards.


a. Training participants received complete material not only on animal welfare but also on occupational safety, health and security, application of effective communication, and application of hygiene and sanitation material.
b. Training participants gain a shared understanding of animal welfare and competency standards required for AWO certification.
c. Training participants can apply competency units in their respective companies in daily operations or aimed at obtaining competency certification.
d. Training participants can be responsible for the main duties and functions of an AWO to improve the implementation of better animal welfare.
e. Training participants can provide information on AWO competency units to other AWO colleagues so that they can improve animal welfare standards.

Key findings

Total Participants 162, consisting of exporters, importers, depots, slaughterhouse officers, local Dinas officers, and students. A total of 116 participants (71.60%) who received training certificates have attended the training for 6 consecutive weeks.

Benefits to industry

Providing the industry with a skilled and competent animal welfare officers.

MLA action

Continue the animal welfare officer training and certification in the next FY.

Future research

Coordination with the LSPPI to prepare any certification that needs to be prepared such as registration, place of certification, equipment, accommodation, and transportation.

More information

Project manager: Helen Fadma
Contact email: