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Feedlot Training Strategy Implementation | 2023

MLA and the Australian Lot Feeders' Association have collaborated to build the 'Feedlot Tech' online training portal.

Project start date: 10 March 2020
Project end date: 10 June 2021
Publication date: 21 January 2022
Project status: Terminated
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National, Dry, Mediterranean, Sub-tropical moist, Sub-tropical sub-humid, Temperate, Temperate sub-humid


MLA and the Australian Lot Feeders Association (ALFA) are collaboratively executing a feedlot career development and training strategy via an online training hub ‘Feedlot Tech’. The portal was formally launch in October 2021.

Grain-fed levies from this project have been utilized to support a Feedlot Career and Training Development officer employed by the Australian Lot Feeders' Association. The key role of the officer is to manage development of the website portal, course materials and engagement with the feedlot industry in consultation with Meat & Livestock Australia.


Provide funds to support a project officer employed by ALFA in consultation with MLA to jointly execute the following objectives:
1. To provide the Australian feedlot sector, its businesses and current and prospective employees with a clear career development pathway and associated training, professional development and support networks designed to attract, retain and grow the capacity of the feedlot work force.
2. To provide tools and resources that defines the feedlots sector’s career development pathway and provides access to relevant training options and resources.
3. To improve the resources available to all levels of employment in the feedlot sector through identified partnerships.
4. To align and complement the current ALFA awards program.
5. To implement a phased approach to project spend, enabling the strategy to deliver a highly trained, professional workforce which is valued and well recognised.

Key findings

During the period of this agreement the Feedlot training officer successfully:
- project managed and launched the Feedlot Tech training portal
- migrated existing publication and online learning resources from MLA and ALFA to the portal.
- project managed development of key course material for the portal including feed milling and nutrition courses
- acted as the secretariat to the steering committee for the strategy and facilitated a number meetings involving the committee
- coordinated communication, extension and marketing campaigns for feedlots to encourage them to enrol in the Feedlot Tech training portal

Benefits to industry

The Feedlot Tech portal managed in consultation with ALFA, will continue to improve the skill base and capability of the Australian feedlot industry. Training is critical to the ongoing success of the industry.

MLA action

The Project activities have been transitioned to a new agreement E.ALF.2021.

The Feedlot Tech portal was launched in October 2021 and is available to all grain-fed stakeholders and MLA members.

Future research

MLA continues to invest grain-fed levies in online course development for the Feedlot Tech portal.


For more information:

Contact Project Manager: Des Rinehart
