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L.PGS.2029 - PGS Delivery Pasture Principles South Coast Beef Group

Did you know, pasture management is the fundamental skill that determines the profitability of pasture based grazing systems and is the key driver of stocking rate?

Project start date: 18 June 2020
Project end date: 29 July 2021
Publication date: 27 July 2023
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: Tasmania


Profitable Grazing Systems (PGS) uses a 'supported learning' methodology where small groups of producers work with a dedicated 'coach' to learn, practice and implement new skills relevant to their business.

Pasture management is the fundamental skill that determines the profitability of pasture based grazing systems as the key driver of stocking rate.


Delivery of Macquarie Franklin’s Pasture Principles supported learning project (SLP) to two groups of sheep and cattle producers on NSW South Coast. The SLP will be delivered in accordance with the approved SLP and focus on the feedbase curriculum.

Benefits to industry

The purpose of the delivery program is to provide pasture management skills to assist the profitability of pasture based grazing systems.

Future research

For more information

Contact Project Manager: Elizabeth Thelander
