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P.PSH.1294 - ​Transforming beef supply chains through digital integration and value-based marketing

Integration of individual animal lifetime data supports traceability, raising claims, provides checks and balances to the NLIS system and provides opportunities for detailed analytics on individual animals.

Project start date: 15 June 2021
Project end date: 28 December 2023
Publication date: 24 April 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: Cold wet, Dry, Mediterranean, Tropical warm season wet, Sub-tropical moist, Sub-tropical sub-humid, Temperate, Temperate sub-humid, Tropical Moist, International, Tropical wet
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The project investigated and implemented a range of objective measurement on-farm digital technologies, market signal technology and data systems to experiment, optimise and demonstrate the differences in value that can be realised within a commercial environment and how barriers to wider adoption of VBM could be addressed.


The project tested and validated the value accretion that can be achieved for extensive livestock production enterprise through the integration of:

- on-farm digital technologies (IoT)
- external databases
- industry systems to support enhanced decision making and to facilitate collaboration towards VBM.

Key findings

Analysis was undertaken and new insights generated as a result of integrating data from multiple points in the supply chain. Aligning the supply chain to the consumer and value creation provides opportunities to streamline production processes and enhance efficiency.

Benefits to industry

Integration of individual animal lifetime data supports traceability, raising claims, provides checks and balances to the NLIS system and provides opportunities for detailed analytics on lifetime average daily gains and link value attributes such as marbling score to genetics, management practices and feeding systems.

MLA action

Supporting leading Australian red meat value chains to fast-track their innovation strategies with a deliberate focus on partners who share MLA’s strategic innovation focus areas such as VBM remains an investment focus.

Future research

Digital integration and value-based marketing requires a change management process at a business unit level, firm and across the entire supply chain. Research is required into the change management process beyond an integrated supply chain to understand how to communicate and encapsulate what the consumer values to the firms in the supply chain.

More information

Project manager: Joshua Whelan
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Greenleaf Enterprises Pty Limited