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Grassfed cattle producer wanted to help steer MLA Board Selection

12 August 2015

Nominations are being sought from grassfed cattle producers for election to the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) Board Selection Committee at this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

This year grassfed cattle producer members have the opportunity to directly elect an additional grassfed representative to the MLA Board Selection Committee for a three-year term. 

This follows a vote on two resolutions by members at last year’s AGM to make amendments to MLA’s Constitution. One of these resolutions was to increase the number of grassfed cattle producer representatives on MLA’s Board Selection Committee to give the grassfed industry greater influence over who was elected to the MLA Board of Directors. 

MLA Managing Director Richard Norton encouraged all interested grassfed cattle producers to nominate for the position and take up the opportunity to provide greater representation of the grassfed industry’s interests on the MLA Board Selection Committee. 

“We want our members to have greater input into the company’s direction than ever before and nominating for the additional grassfed position on the MLA Board Selection Committee is one very important way that grassfed producers can be directly involved,” Mr Norton said. 

"Following the results of this year's AGM, there will then be two independent grassfed representatives as well as the president of the Cattle Council of Australia sitting on the Selection Committee and having direct input into the MLA Board selection process."

The role of the Selection Committee is to report on the suitability of candidates for election to the MLA Board. The Selection Committee is currently made up of three peak industry council presidents; two MLA Directors and three independent producer members directly elected by MLA members – grassfed cattle representative Ian McCamley, lot feeder representative Therese Herbert and sheep representative Jane Kellock. 

Producer representatives on the Selection Committee are paid a sitting fee in accordance with MLA policy and expenses are covered for travel to attend meetings. 

All nominees will be put forward for a vote by grassfed cattle producer members at the MLA AGM, which will be held on 10 November 2015, in Brisbane.  

Grassfed cattle producer members wishing to nominate a person, or themselves for election, must give written notice to MLA by 25 September 2015.
For more information on the Selection Committee process and to access the nomination form, visit or email 

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