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Grazing fundamentals EDGE | Dunkeld

Grain-fed Cattle
Grass-fed Cattle
23 Aug 2023 | 08:30 AM
1 day
$850 + GST per person. A rebate of $450pp available for eligible producers located within or near SQ Landscapes's Natural Resources Recovery Program target areas - you can check the project page on their website or by clicking

10% early bird discount if booked by 23 July, discount code GRAZING. This event is funded by the Queensland Government’s Natural Resource Recovery Program.

Cost includes workshop, a comprehensive set of Workshop Notes, Workbook and catering.

Grazing fundamentals EDGE is a workshop designed to give you a broad understanding of the components of the grazing production system and the core, scientifically-backed principles behind optimising grazing land productivity.

Dunkeld, Queensland
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