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Rangelands Australian Promoting the products and consolidating the initiative

Project start date: 01 June 2007
Project end date: 01 June 2010
Publication date: 01 June 2010
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This project set out to raise awareness of, and participation in, a new demand-driven and student-centred educational initiative targeted at land managers and staff of regional NRM groups/state agencies. The centrepiece, a postgraduate coursework program in rangeland management, was specifically designed around their information needs and learning preferences, and aimed to build capacity for change and economic, environmental and social outcomes in Australia’s pastoral/ range lands.

Participation in the Rangeland Management program and Rangeland Australia-developed courses has grown strongly, in stark contrast to the widespread decline in enrolments in agriculture. Pastoralists and NRM group/agency staff enrolled are reporting broader and more inclusive outlooks; greater understanding of the systems in which they operate and the external forces driving change; better strategic and operational planning; and better decision-making, management of trade-offs and risk management. Among the current students, the pastoralists/graziers manage around 2% of Australia’s grazing lands, and the regional NRM/agency staff influence the management of a further 45% of grazing lands. The courses have been directly applicable to their work, led to improvements in management with valuable economic and environmental outcomes, changed perceptions of the value of a university education, and have encouraged and prepared people to take on industry and community leadership roles.

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Project manager: Mick Quirk
Primary researcher: CSIRO Division of Sustainable Eco