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Profitable Grazing Systems State Coordinators

Project start date: 15 September 2017
Project end date: 14 August 2020
Publication date: 01 August 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


Summary Report State Coordinator
PGS state coordinators work closely with the PGS national coordinator to ensure the successful delivery of PGS within their state.  The key responsibilities of state coordinators are:
Be the key PGS contact for deliverers within each state. This includes reviewing supported learning projects submitted by deliverers for the eligibility for PGS; developing and delivering strategic feeder activities in collaboration with PGS deliverers; and supporting PGS deliverers in the preparation of their M&E materials for both feeder and SLP activities;Recruitment of deliverers and producers for the program. Producers will be engaged in collaboration with PGS deliverers. Effective local networks and local knowledge will be critical in successful recruitment;Influence feeder activity design to ensure they are high impact and meet producer needs locally;Manage PGS program quality assurance:

ensure consistency in messaging and standards of deliverycollate monitoring and evaluation data from deliverers & submit to M&E coordinatorprovide feedback to deliverers once M&E data is analysed by M&E coordinator

QLD State Coordinator

The QLD state coordinator terminated the PGS State Coordinator contract with MLA in October 2018.  At the end of his contract no supported learning packages had been conducted in QLD.