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IFFA 2016 Technology Exhibition, Study Program and Global IP scanning

Project start date: 01 April 2016
Project end date: 11 August 2016
Publication date: 01 May 2016
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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​This project involved the participation of 9 meat processors with 15 processor innovation technologists representing a diversity of expertise in: production operations, engineering, value adding, and packaging. The group attended the leading triennial international meat processing tradeshow (IFFA), and related site visits to European plants demonstrating leading edge technologies. This global IP evaluation will further assist in creating opportunities and outcomes to improve industry competitiveness and labour efficiencies as targeted with MISP2020, by:

  1. Providing a regular global technology scanning process to examine technologies both under development and/or applied in the most modern EU plants addressing processing efficiency, yield, value adding, and labour challenges.
  2. Providing a study program to engage a network of processor innovators in data collection, analysis and synthesis, thereby developing industry innovation capability.
  3. Providing an opportunity for processors to see and handle equipment first hand, and in a production situation, thereby addressing many of barriers to adoption, and providing expert review to industry colleagues back in Australia.

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Project manager: Christian Ruberg
Primary researcher: Northern Co-Operative Meat Company