Profitable Grazing Systems (PGS) is a group-based training program which uses supported learning packages (SLPs) to deliver training and coaching over several months and up to a year to improve producer skills and knowledge.
Through PGS, participants have the opportunity to develop and practice skills with small groups of like-minded producers to improve business performance.
PGS is a ‘user pays' program, with MLA contributing through the funding of a percentage of the participant cost. MLA also provides program delivery and promotional support.
PGS program highlights

Here is the range of Profitable Grazing Systems ready-to-go training packages.
Grazing land management
- PayDirt North. This package is the northern adaptation of the existing PayDirt program, tailored to helping producers in the north value-add to soil testing results and determine where they will get the most bang for their fertiliser buck.
- Gra$$ to Dollars. Assists producers in assessing pastures grown across southern Australia, condition scoring livestock, managing pasture grazing and optimising pasture utilisation.
- PayDirt. This training value-adds to soil testing results, helping producers determine how to get the most bang for their fertiliser buck.
- Satellite-Assisted Forage Budgeting. Upskills producers in utilising satellite imagery to develop grazing budgets on a large scale.
- Pasture Principles. Producers undertake this package for a 12-month pasture production cycle to learn a set of guiding principles to manage pastures confidently.
- Grazing Matcher™. Designed to improve the productivity, profitability and resilience of producers by enabling them to better match grazing pressure, fertiliser application, animal requirements and market demands.
PGS for beef producers
- Phosphorus for Profit. Assists northern producers in managing and diagnosing phosphorus deficiencies in their cattle herds. Provides practical solutions for effective supplementation to improve cattle health and profitability.
- Building Better Breeders. Covers the A-Z of beef breeding in southern and temperate production zones and provides advice on the utilisation of electronic identification (eID).
- Heifers for Profit. This package develops skills and confidence in managing heifer nutrition to improve animal welfare, increase future reproductive success, optimise stocking rates and increase whole farm profitability.
PGS for sheep producers
- Meat the Market. With a whole of supply chain focus, this package trains producers in improving lamb processing compliance and optimising meat-eating quality.
- Lifting Lamb Survival. Gives producers greater control over lambing and reproduction outcomes.
PGS for goat producers
- Getting Goats to Market. Builds the knowledge and skills of goatmeat producers, allowing them to effectively and efficiently grow and select goats to generate a profit. Producers develop a simple, customised production plan for their goatmeat enterprise to assist with planning and decision making.
Business management
- Benchmarking for Profit and Production. Helps producers identify and connect their business goals to benchmarking performance and to utilise comparative analysis data in identifying future goals and current strengths and weaknesses.
- Lead with Certainty. Participants develop a better understanding of themselves and their teams, while learning more effective ways of creating a positive team culture through planning, goal setting and communication.
Deliverers and producer coaches can also develop their own training package to suit targeted producer needs which align with the PGS curriculum.