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NLGC – National Livestock Genetics Consortium

The National Livestock Genetics Consortium (NLGC) was established in October 2016 and is governed by a skills-based Taskforce. The consortium was developed after considerable industry consultation to provide increased collaboration, communication and investment in the livestock genetics sector. The primary aim of this initiative is to increase the rate of genetic progress achieved in the sheep and beef industries.

The NLGC Taskforce acts in an advisory capacity and provides a formal industry consultation platform for the investment in livestock genetics, in accordance with the Taskforce terms of reference. Recommendations from the Taskforce are considered in the decision making process on major investments into genetics and genomics RD&A that address the NLGC aims.

Through consultation with key industry stakeholders and by linking genetics to the key goals of the strategic priorities of the shared direction outlined in Red Meat 2030, the following outcomes are key objectives to be delivered through the NLGC:

  • An industry improvement of 2% in the rate of genetic gain annually through access to world leading genetic/genomic technologies
  • Genetics is an established long-term enabler for achieving productivity and sustainability goals
  • Genetic tools addressing sustainability outcomes are available to users across the supply chain
  • Data platforms that enable genetic data to be leveraged in R&D to underpin continual data capture are established.

The NLGC will ensure coordinated research delivery, reducing timelines and delivery costs by enabling transparent and flexible investment. Projects will be asked to address Terms of Reference that reflect investment in the key priority areas of the NLGC Strategic Plan and Strategic Pillars. The Strategic Pillars of the NLGC 2030 Plan are:

  • Enabling transparent and flexible investment
  • Continuous improvement of world leading genetic tools
  • Improved social, economic and environmental outcomes
  • Delivering direct impact of genetic investment to industry through adoption
  • Facilitating bold, collaborative and impactful R&D

Taskforce Positions

The NLGC is governed by a skills-based Taskforce established and funded by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA). The role of the NLGC Taskforce is to provide a formal industry consultation platform for the investment in livestock genetics led by genetic researchers and key industry stakeholders.

The NLGC Taskforce representation is balanced across the following sectors:

  • Northern Beef producer
  • Southern Beef producer
  • Breed Societies (x2)
  • Researchers (x2)
  • Merino producer
  • Prime lamb producer
  • Integrated supply chain
  • Processor
  • Composite breeder
  • Adoption & Extension
  • Industry genetic evaluation
  • External chair

National Livestock Genetics Consortium Strategic Plan

The Taskforce acts in an advisory capacity in accordance with the National Livestock Genetics Consortium Taskforce Terms of Reference.

For any enquiries about the NLGC or becoming a taskforce member please email Sarah Day, Project Manager - Genetics, Communications and Adoption.