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Multi-Breed Data for Maternal Traits

Project start date: 31 October 2003
Project end date: 30 June 2007
Publication date: 01 June 2007
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
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Why was work done: 
This project was done to provide BREEDPLAN with additional maternal trait data to assist beef producers more accurately exploit the benefits of crossbreeding in Multibreed programs. Maternal performance of eight different cow genotypes was compared. The cows were bred from Angus and Hereford dams by Angus (Ang), Hereford (Her), Limousin (Lim) and Simmental (Sim) bulls, creating 8 genotypes at the Department of Primary Industries, Hamilton, Vic. and Struan Research Centre S.A. These cows were joined to Shorthorn (Short), Charolais (Char) and Limousin (Lim) bulls. The resultant production data will be used by BREEDPLAN to provide additional information to assist producers make more appropriate and accurate breeding management decisions. This project has generated data from mature cows and on Shorthorn and Charolais crossbred calves that will expand the Breedplan Multibreed data base and assist producers choose breeding stock that more accurately and consistently meet market targets.
Benefits to industry:
BREEDPLAN provided multi-breed EBVs to compare Angus, Hereford/poll Hereford, Limousin and Simmental breeds. This project generated data that will assist BREEDPLAN include Charolais and Shorthorn breeds. The results also provided additional crossbreed maternal trait data that can be included in BREEDPLAN analysis which will was used by industry. The results from this project reinforcde the benefits of cross breeding and the appropriate use of different breeds to tailor production systems.

More information

Project manager: Robert Banks
Primary researcher: Dept of Primary Industries