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Developing RD&E priorities and investment plan for individual animal information management to improve value chain efficiency

Project start date: 15 July 2011
Project end date: 04 June 2012
Publication date: 01 April 2013
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep
Relevant regions: National
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This plan presents a draft RD&E strategy to improve efficiency of the lamb value chain including the role of individual animal information (IAI). The plan is aligned with other national sheep meat RD&E strategies. The present supply chain for Australian lamb from seedstock through to retail product is somewhat disjointed with very little information flowing between sectors in either direction. This RD&E plan presents a strategy to improve efficiency and information flow with the aim of developing a true value chain for the industry. Individual animal identification for the Australian sheep industry is the subject of considerable debate, conjecture and angst for some, whilst for others it creates excitement about opportunities it creates. While the two are not inextricably linked, the topic of individual animal identification almost immediately turns to electronic identification (EID), a subject upon which opinions again vary significantly. 
This report does not seek to dictate industry policy on the adoption of EID or any other form of individual identification. However, it does recognise that the adoption of EID by some or all of the Australian sheep industry is a high probability, in part to improve value chain efficiency. Accordingly, this report provides a plan for RD&E to enhance existing sheep identification systems and for new initiatives to facilitate further implementation of EID depending on policy and industry support.

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Project manager: Alex Ball
Primary researcher: SED Consulting