Producer consultation

MLA’s producer consultation process empowers grassfed beef and sheepmeat producers to directly influence the on-farm research, development and adoption (RD&A) activities their levies are invested in.
This process ensures national and regionally relevant RD&A priorities are identified to deliver optimum value to producers.
As a result of the producer consultation process, MLA has funded more than $50 million worth of projects that find solutions to producer priorities. The Producer Investment Call has attracted more than 600 submitted preliminary proposals from 83 different applicant organisations and has resulted in almost 70 contracted projects.
How does the Producer Investment Call work?
The Research Advisory Councils submit research, development and adoption (RD&A) priorities to MLA every two years. MLA provides feedback on these priorities before the Extended Red Meat Panel workshop is held. This workshop brings together the Regional Committee Chairs, the Research Advisory Council Chairs, the Red Meat Panel (RMP) which includes Peak industry Council representatives and the relevant MLA Program Managers. At this workshop, a list of national RD&A priorities is finalised.
From here, the relevant MLA Program Managers develop a ‘Terms of Reference’ (TOR) in consultation with Producer representatives in the relevant regions, and incorporating the feedback they received at the workshop. The TOR outlines the scope and impact of a project required to meet the RD&A priorities. Each TOR is submitted to the RMP for feedback and endorsement. Once the TOR is approved by the RMP, a Producer Investment Call is announced.
A call for applications is announced encouraging the submission of preliminary applications for RD&A projects aligned with the Terms of Reference for funding consideration.
An Expert Panel and a producer panel made up of relevant representatives assess the applications and select which projects to short list for potential funding, ensuring that the RD&A activities in each project will address the priorities set out in the producer consultation process.
Short listed applicants are required to complete a detailed application for funding in relation to their project. Detailed applications are assessed by the Expert Panel and Producer Panels recommended for funding by MLA. The Red Meat Panel reviews minutes from these meetings and endorses the project for investment. These are then subject to MLA’s standard project approval processes.
Find a committee near you
Want to have your say on where your levies are invested? Find a committee near you by searching the map below.
If you have any questions about which committee to connect with, contact the relevant council for your region:
Members of the Red Meat Panel
John Webster
Paul Burke
Richard Cox
NABRC Producer Chair
NABRC Producer Chair
Dr Bronwyn Clarke
Matt Camarri
WALRC Producer Member
Jason Stokes
WALRC Producer Member
Ian Rogan
Christine White
SALRC Regional Producer Chair
Meridie Jackson
SALRC Regional Producer Chair
Bonnie Skinner
CEO Sheep Producers Australia
Bindi Murray
Board Director Sheep Producers Australia
Chris Parker
CEO Cattle Australia
Garry Edwards
Chair Cattle Australia
David Beatty
MLA Group Manager – Productivity & Animal Wellbeing
Richard Shephard
Current producer priorities
Priorities identified by producers through the regional committees are consolidated by NABRC, SALRC and WALRC.