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Our Livestock

29 November 2021

Our livestock are at the centre of our industry and every business in the value chain; the welfare and wellbeing of our livestock is paramount to our people, our businesses and our consumers.

Give your livestock the best husbandry and wellbeing

10 ways to be on the front foot of animal wellbeing:

1. Arm yourself with the right knowledge around animal welfare best practice including the Australian Animal Welfare Standards for Cattle and Sheep

2. Inform yourself with the five domains of animal welfare

3. Implement sustainability best practice herd or flock management including low stress stock handling techniques, like pregnancy scanning ewes to optimise survival and participating in the best practice management programs including More Beef from Pastures and  Lifetime Ewe Management Training.

4. Establish best practice vaccination for cattle and sheep, and antimicrobial stewardship programs for your livestock enterprise.

5. Establish and integrate best practice parasite management within your livestock enterprise.

6. Establish best practice animal husbandry for your livestock enterprise investigating breeding options and best practice husbandry.

7. Investigate best pain relief and management options for your cattle and sheep enterprises.

8. Provide shade and shelter for livestock during extreme weather in feedlots and during calving and lambing including integrating trees and shrubs to shelter belts and grazing systems. Your local Landcare group can help choose the right tree and vegetation species for your region.

9. Ensure your on-farm assurance program Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) modules are up to date and front of mind.

10. Inform yourself with best supply chain animal welfare standards including National Standards for the Land Transport of Livestock, National Saleyard Quality Assurance (NSQA) programAustralian Animal Welfare standards and guidelines for Livestock at Processing Establishment (AAWCS), and the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS).