Red Meat 2030 – an ambitious plan for the future
17 October 2019

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has welcomed the release of Red Meat 2030, which sets out the high-level strategic direction of the Australian red meat and livestock industry over the next decade.
MLA Managing Director Jason Strong said Red Meat 2030 provides a unifying strategy for the Australian red meat and livestock industry that will help ensure the whole supply chain is working together, with the vision to double the value of Australian red meat sales by 2030.
“We need an ambitious and challenging plan looking out to 2030 to help guide the investment of producer research and marketing levies, with all industry organisations having an important role to play,” Mr Strong said.
“Collaboration will be key to meeting the goal of doubling the value of Australian red meat sales and to strengthen the profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness for all participants in our industry.”
As a Rural Research and Development Corporation (RDC), MLA’s role is to prioritise, invest in and evaluate research, development, adoption and marketing activities that benefit Australian red meat producers and the wider supply chain.
Mr Strong said that MLA would continue to focus on delivering its extensive body of work as outlined in its current Strategic Plan and Annual Investment Plan, which cover the period until mid-2020.
“However, we will be guided by Red Meat 2030 and the Australian Government’s Science and Rural Research Priorities to inform the development of MLA’s next five-year strategic plan, which will come into effect in July 2020. We will also continue to consult with producers, Peak Industry Councils and other stakeholders to seek their important input on MLA’s activities.
“Red Meat 2030 is an ambitious document and, importantly, it is designed to challenge us as an industry as we look ahead to the next decade."
The Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC) is the custodian of the Meat Industry Strategic Plan. RMAC worked with the Peak Industry Councils and the three red meat Rural Research and Development Corporations, as well as consulted with people working in the industry on the development of Red Meat 2030.
“As a key stakeholder, MLA played an active role in the process led by RMAC in developing Red Meat 2030. I would like to acknowledge the producers and all those who gave their time to contribute to the development of the plan,” Mr Strong said.
To read the plan visit