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MeatUp forums are an opportunity for beef, sheep and goat producers to learn something new, stay up-to-date with the latest on-farm research and technologies, and meet others working in the red meat industry.

Each forum is designed by producers from the local region through producer working groups to ensure topics, content and presenters are regionally relevant.

Held predominantly throughout southern Australia, MeatUp forums demonstrate the value of implementing new practices or technologies on-farm. They also create awareness around other MLA activities and programs that producers can get involved in to further build their knowledge and skills.

MeatUp forums are an MLA initiative and are delivered by Pinion Advisory.

Event details

New MeatUp Forum dates will be added here when scheduled.

Why should I attend MeatUp?


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Hear about the latest red meat research, development and adoption programs with a whole-farm and value chain focus.

Interact with expert speakers, including leading producers, advisors and researchers.

Access tools and insights – tailored to the needs and interests of producers in the local area.

Identify opportunities to drive on-farm productivity and profitability.


MLA icon Datasatellite.png MLA icon Dry Time Ready.png

Hear about the latest red meat research, development and adoption programs with a whole-farm and value chain focus.

Interact with expert speakers, including leading producers, advisors and researchers.

MLA icon Easylife.png

MLA icon Property.png

Access tools and insights – tailored to the needs and interests of producers in the local area.

Identify opportunities to drive on-farm productivity and profitability.

MeatUp quick links

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What do other producers think about MeatUp?


“I’d highly recommend going to a MeatUp forum – you’ll get a lot out of it and learn where our industry is going in the future and how to take your livestock operation to the next level.” 

“The day was brilliant for networking and kickstarting discussions with other producers on topics that were covered.”


Karl Zerner

Sheep producer, South Australia.

Continue your learning journey

The MLA adoption pathway is made up of three stepping stones; awareness activities, short term training programs, and long term practice change activities.  

MeatUp forums are an awareness activity as they are focused on informing producers of the latest R&D relating to livestock production. Influence and motivate activities allow producers to increase their knowledge and skills of the latest livestock production practices by participating in training activities like workshops or electronic learning modules. Involve and partner activities see producers learning from other producers and with guidance from consultants in implementing the latest livestock production practices into their business. Continue your learning journey today by checking out MLA’s other training programs and workshops.

MeatUp news