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Registration requirements for goat depots

27 September 2016

Since 1 February this year, it has been a requirement for goat depots to be registered with their relevant state jurisdiction in order to move goats tag-free. For more information on this process please refer to the previous Goats on the Move article, NLIS tagging exemptions depend on you!

A list of registered goat depots can be found on the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) website. Registered depots have recently been undergoing their annual LPA and goat depot audits. The outcome of these audits and the outcomes of state compliance monitoring will determine whether the depots will remain eligible to consign untagged harvested goats to slaughter.

Individuals and organisations who misuse the conditions of registration could be forced to tag all goats prior to leaving the depot or their property. Note that tagging, NVD and movement recording requirements for farmed goats and for harvested goats moving to another depot or property remain in place.

State and territory NLIS authorities will be closely monitoring goat movements from goat depots. Action will be taken on any breaches of NLIS requirements and serious breaches could be taken into consideration when assessing any future applications for approval to move harvested goats to slaughter without tags.

If you are operating a goat depot and have not registered, please do so immediately. Please contact your state department, your state GICA representative or Maria Thompson ( or 0411 961 545) as soon as possible.