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Bred Well Fed Well extends to goats

20 August 2019

Many goat producers might be familiar with the long running sheep based Bred Well Fed Well one-day courses supported by MLA. These workshops are practical and hands on, highlighting the production benefits of superior genetics, plus feed management for improved reproductive performance and livestock productivity.

Bred Well Fed Well programs exist for sheep and cattle producers and in the coming months, MLA will be trialling a series of workshops for goat producers.

Workshop participants will learn how to analyse and plan a genetics and nutrition regime suited to their environment and markets to boost profitability.

Bred Well Fed Well for goats will focus on:

  • how to use genetics to improve enterprise profitability
  • how to develop a breeding objective
  • the impact of  doe nutrition on reproductive performance and profitability
  • developing simple energy budgets for breeders
  • practical skills such as condition scoring, feed budgeting and buck selection.

The workshops cost $75 per person (incl. GST) and will be advertised widely once locations and dates are set.