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Sustainable grazing management in focus

08 March 2023

Key points:

  • MLA Goat Roadshow Webinar and Q&A is on 27 March at 7pm AEDT.
  • This free webinar will seek to provide an overview of how rangeland goat producers can best optimise their operations to maximise productivity and sustainability in the rangelands.
  • Registration is essential to gain access to the webinar.

Rangeland goat producers are encouraged to register for the MLA Goat Roadshow Webinar and Q&A on 27 March, which will focus on sustainable grazing management of rangeland goats.

The webinar will provide producers with the opportunity to further their understanding on managing livestock sustainably in their environment to ensure long-term landscape productivity, industry viability and environmental health.

This free webinar will seek to provide an overview of how rangeland goat producers can best optimise their operations to maximise productivity and sustainability in the rangelands.

This includes understanding the grazing and browsing behaviours of goats, how to manage them effectively, and how to gain a further understanding of how goats utilise the landscapes and resources so producers can optimise infrastructure investments including fencing and water sources.

Speakers will highlight the importance of understanding the impact production changes, such as moving from an unfenced to fenced environment, a change in stock numbers or a mixed-livestock enterprise, can have on the rangeland environment.

How, what, and where goats graze when compared with animals they share the environment with – sheep, kangaroos and cattle – and how that can impact the grazing pressure and long-term sustainability of the rangeland environment will be addressed.

The webinar will also cover rangeland soil carbon and landscape rehabilitation. Given the low rainfall of this environment, the importance of maintaining soil carbon is driven by the need to ensure the landscape continues to be productive.

Webinar presenters

Goat producers are invited to hear from MLA as well as:

  • Project lead within the Carbon Storage Partnership and Systems Modelling Team Leader at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), Associate Professor Matthew Harrison.
  • Queensland cattle and goat producers – Peter and Georgia Whip, PRW Agribusiness.
  • Grazing/browsing preferences of goats, cattle, sheep and kangaroos – Lester Pahl, Qld Agriculture and Forestry, Toowoomba.
  • Spatially resilient grazing systems and goat behaviour in the landscape – Mark Trotter, CQ University.

What time does this start in my state?

  • 7pm NSW, Victoria, Tasmania (AEDT).
  • 6pm Queensland (AEST).
  • 4pm Western Australia (AWST).
  • 6.30pm South Australia (ACDT).
  • 5.30pm Northern Territory (ACST).

Registration is essential to gain access to the webinar. Click here to register.

Can’t make the webinar date? Register anyway – the webinar will be recorded, and the link distributed.