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Weed out the $3 billion problem this winter

27 May 2021


Weeds are estimated to cost the Australian livestock industry over $3 billion per year, according to research commissioned by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).

Left unchecked, weeds can outcompete nutritious pastures, leaving low-quality feed for livestock and unwanted costs for producers.

In a new campaign to tackle the problem, MLA has launched a Weed control resource hub that brings together the latest research and practical tips and tools to help producers get weeds under control early.

MLA Group manager - Adoption and Commercialisation, Sarah Strachan, said the new resource hub would provide identification and treatment options to encourage producers to proactively tackle weeds through winter.

“MLA’s Weed control resource hub includes easily identifiable pictures, seasonal timelines, and a step-by-step information guide to deal with the common pasture weeds across southern Australia,” Ms Strachan said.

“Having a planned control program before sowing, monitoring established pasture species and tactical use of grazing, fertiliser and chemicals are crucial to reducing competition from weeds.

“Pasture weeds are not always easily identified as most weedy species have some feed value at some point in their life cycle. But don’t be fooled by the green feed available it’s important to look out for new weed infestations before they become too difficult and costly to contain.

“Research suggests that weed control in livestock enterprises far outweigh the costs, estimating that for every dollar invested in weed control, the return on investment is around $4.”

Ms Strachan said reducing the weed burden during winter would help set the feed base up for a productive spring and produce nutritious feed to livestock during the prime growing season.

“Around May-June, either before or after the first grazing of winter forages, is an opportune time for producers to get on top of winter weed species,” Ms Strachan said.

“How well producers know their weeds this winter will prove to pay off in spring. Early detection and maintenance are the low-cost solutions to weed control and boosting pasture performance.”